Decade-long struggle

When the Constitution of Nepal was promulgated in 2015, it brought with it many hopes for the country’s historically marginalised groups, including Dalits, Janajatis, women, Muslims, Tharus and Madheshis. Article 27 established six designated commissions, along with the National Inclusion Commission. 

photo: TKP

The goal was to elevate the social standings of these communities by addressing the systemic injustices they faced. The constitution will be a decade-old this September. The mandated review of these commissions, as outlined in Article 265, is thus on the cards. Only a comprehensive review can determine if the objectives for the formation of these commissions have been met—and, if not, what to do about it.


But the review process lacks constitutional and legal clarity, as the national charter doesn’t specify the objectives of the review or how it should be carried out. Nor has there been any discussion on this in Parliament. This not only lays bare the systemic neglect of lawmakers, authorities and political leaders towards Nepal’s inclusion agenda. More seriously, such arbitrary legal provisions might undercut the very rationale of these vital commissions. As discussions on constitution amendment continue, there are even fears that these commissions might be done away with.


Over the years, despite their mandate of providing policy recommendations to the government, the commissions have not worked as expected. However, it is also true that underfunding, lack of resources and political apathy have hindered their work. For instance, even five years after the constitution provided for such commissions, the commissions couldn’t set up their full offices. This was largely due to disagreements between the then-ruling party, the CPN-UML, and the main opposition, the Nepali Congress. Like other state bodies, these commissions have also become political battlegrounds, with cronies of political leaders appointed over competent candidates. As of now, the commissions are still short of resources, and its officials lament how its recommendations are routinely ignored.


Legal ambiguities exacerbate the sorry state of these commissions. To take one example, as pointed out by policy research organisations Niti Foundation and Social Science Baha’s in their 2022 research, while the functions, duties and powers of Dalit, Women and Inclusion Commissions are explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, the other four commissions—Indigenous, Tharu, Madheshi and Muslim—only have federal law mandates with no clear definition of their roles in the constitution. Such legal gaps increase scrutiny over their legitimacy, and the anomalies weaken the trust of the marginalised groups these commissions supposedly serve.


Some parliamentarians emphasise the need to thoroughly evaluate each commission’s performance by forming sub-committees under a joint parliamentary committee, as recently recommended by the Niti Foundation. They also suggest a transparent review process and broader consultations with human rights experts before deciding to dissolve or continue with the bodies for the next decade. Really, a hasty or superficial review would betray the marginalised communities. Lawmakers must discuss their suggestions and also scrutinise them. In order to address operational inefficiencies, equipping these commissions with adequate resources, functional autonomy and mechanisms to ensure that their recommendations are acted upon is crucial. But again, and most importantly, the commissions need legal clarity.


Despite constitutional guarantees, Dalits in the country still face caste-based discrimination and violence. Women continue to struggle to get a level playing field with their male counterparts. Concomitantly, the representation of Muslims, Tharus and Indigenous people in political positions and government bodies is far from satisfactory. The ruling coalition has failed to embrace the spirit of inclusiveness in the current Cabinet, as the 22-member team has only two women and not a single Dalit. It is important to consider these ground realities while reviewing the commissions’ successes and failures.



We, the people of Nepal, in exercise of the sovereign powers inherent in us,

Embracing the sovereign right of the people and the right to autonomy and selfrule, by maintaining Nepal’s independence, sovereignty, geographical integrity,

national unity, freedom and dignity,

Remembering the glorious history of historical peoples’ movements and armed

struggles time and again and the sacrifice made by people for national interest,

democracy, progressive change, and recognizing the martyrs, the disappeared

citizens and the victims,

Ending all forms of discriminations and oppression created by the feudal,

autocratic, centralized and unitary system,

Embracing multi-caste, multi-lingual, multi-cultural and diverse geographical

specificities, by ending discriminations relating to class, caste, region, language,

religion and gender discrimination including all forms of racial untouchability, in

order to protect and promote unity in diversity, social and cultural solidarity,

tolerance and harmonious attitudes, we also express our determination to create

an egalitarian society on the basis of the principles of proportional inclusion and

participation, to ensure equitable economy, prosperity and social justice,

Expressing commitment to create the bases of socialism by adopting democratic

norms and values, including peoples' competitive multi-party democratic

governance system, civil liberty, fundamental rights, human rights, adult franchise,

periodic elections, complete press freedom and an independent, impartial and

competent judiciary, and the concept of rule of law,

NOW THEREFORE, in order to fulfill the aspirations for perpetual peace, good

governance, development and prosperity through the medium of federal

democratic republican system of governance, hereby promulgate this Constitution

through the Constituent Assembly.

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1. Constitution as the fundamental law: (1) This constitution is the

fundamental law of Nepal. All laws inconsistent with this constitution shall, to

the extent of such inconsistency, be void.

(2) It shall be the duty of every person to uphold this constitution.

2. Sovereignty and state authority: The sovereignty and state authority of

Nepal are vested in Nepali people. The use of which shall be as provided for in

this constitution.

3. Nation: Having multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious, multi-cultural

characteristics with common aspirations of people living in diverse

geographical regions, and being committed to and united by a bond of

allegiance to national independence, territorial integrity, national interest

and prosperity of Nepal, all the Nepali people collectively constitute the


4. State of Nepal: (1) Nepal is an independent, indivisible, sovereign, secular,

inclusive democratic, socialism-oriented federal democratic republican state.

Explanation: For the purpose of this article, 'secular' means protection of

religion and culture being practiced since ancient times and religious and

cultural freedom.

(2) The territory of Nepal shall comprise:

(a) the territory existing at the commencement of this constitution,


(b) such other territory as may be acquired after the commencement

of this constitution.

5. National interest: Independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity,

nationality, autonomy, self-respect, protection of rights and interests of

Nepali people, protection of boundaries, and economic progress and

prosperity, shall be the fundamental subjects of Nepal’s national interest.

(2) Act and character against national interest shall be punishable by

Federal law.

6. Language of the nation: All the mother tongues spoken in Nepal shall be the

national language.

7. Language of official transaction: (1) The Nepali language written in

Devanagiri script shall be the language of official business in Nepal.

(2) In addition to Nepali language, a province shall select one or more

national language that is spoken by majority of people in that province

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as the language of official business, as provided for by the provincial


(3) Other matters concerning language shall be as decided by the

Government of Nepal on the recommendation of the Language


8. National flag: (1) The national flag of Nepal, consists of two juxtaposed

triangular figures with a crimson colored base and deep blue borders, there

being a white emblem of the crescent moon with eight rays visible out of

sixteen in the upper part and a white emblem of a twelve rayed sun in the

lower part.

(2) The method of drawing the flag and other particulars relating thereto

shall be as set out in Schedule-1.

9. National anthem, etc.: (1) The national anthem of Nepal shall be as set out in


(2) The coat-of-arms of Nepal shall be shall be as set out in Schedule-3.

(3) The Rhododendron Arboreum is the national flower, Crimson is the

national color, the cow is the national animal and the Lophophorus is

the national bird of Nepal.

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10. Citizenship not to be denied: (1) No Nepali citizen shall be denied the right

to acquire citizenship.

(2) There shall be a provision of single federal citizenship with provincial

identity in Nepal.

11. Nepali citizen to be deemed: (1) The persons who have acquired citizenship

of Nepal at the commencement of this Constitution and the persons who are

eligible to acquire citizenship of Nepal under this Part shall be deemed to be

the citizens of Nepal.

(2) The following persons who have their permanent domicile in Nepal shall be

deemed to be citizens of Nepal by descent: -

(a) A person who has acquired the citizenship of Nepal by descent before

the commencement of this constitution.

(b) Any person whose father or mother was a citizen of Nepal at the birth

of such a person.

(3) A child of a citizen who has acquired citizenship of Nepal by birth before the

commencement of this Constitution shall, if his/her father and mother both

are the citizens of Nepal, shall be entitled to Nepali citizenship by descent

upon his/her attaining the age of majority.

(4) Every child found in Nepal whereabouts of whose paternity and maternity is

not known shall, until the mother or father is traced, be deemed a citizen of

Nepal by descent.

(5) A person born to a Nepali citizen mother and having his/her domicile in

Nepal but whose father is not traced, shall be conferred the Nepali

citizenship by descent.

Provided that in case his/her father is found to be a foreigner, the citizenship of

such a person shall be converted to naturalized citizenship according to the Federal


(6) If a foreign woman married to a Nepali citizen so wishes, she may acquire

naturalized citizenship of Nepal as provided for in a Federal law.

(7) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Article, in case of a

person born to Nepali woman citizen married to a foreign citizen, he/she

may acquire naturalized citizenship of Nepal as provided for by a Federal

law if he/she is having the permanent domicile in Nepal and he/she has not

acquired citizenship of the foreign country.

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Provided that if his/her father and mother both are the citizen of Nepal at the time

of acquisition of the citizenship, he/she, if born in Nepal, may acquire citizenship

by descent.

(8) Except provided for in this Article, Government of Nepal may confer

naturalized citizenship of Nepal according to Federal law.

(9) Government of Nepal may confer honorary citizenship according to

Federal law.

(10) In case any area is annexed into Nepal by merger, the persons having

domicile in such area shall be citizens of Nepal subject to a Federal


12. Citizenship based on Descent and with Gender Identity: The person who is

entitled to the citizenship of Nepal by descent may obtain the citizenship

certificate of Nepal from name of his/her mother or father along with gender


13. Acquisition, Requisition and Termination of Citizenship: Other provisions as

to acquisition, requisition and termination of citizenship shall be as provided

for in a Federal law.

14. Non-residential citizenship may be conferred: The person who has acquired

citizenship of a foreign country and residing in a country other than the

country which is a member of the South Asian Association of Regional

Cooperation (SAARC) and who or whose father or mother, grandfather or

grandmother was a citizen of Nepal by descent or birth and later on has

acquired citizenship of the foreign country, may be conferred with the nonresidential citizenship of Nepal entitling him/her to the economic, social and

cultural rights as provided for in a Federal law.

15. Other Provisions as to Citizenship of Nepal: Record shall be maintained of

each citizen of Nepal along with his/her identity, and other provisions as to

citizenship shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

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Fundamental Rights and Duties

16. Right to live with dignity: (1) Each person shall have the right to live with


(2) No law shall be made for capital punishment.

17. Right to Freedom: (1) Except as provided for by law no person shall be

deprived of her/his personal liberty.

(2) Every citizen shall have the following freedoms:

(a) freedom of opinion and expression,

(b) freedom to assemble peacefully and without arms,

(c) freedom to form political party,

(d) freedom to form unions and associations,

(e) freedom to move and reside in any part of Nepal; and

(f) freedom to engage in any occupation or be engaged in

employment, establish and operate industry, trade and business

in any part of Nepal.

Provided that,

(1) Nothing in section (a) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an Act to

impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine the

nationality, sovereignty, independence and indivisibility of Nepal, or federal

units, or jeopardizes the harmonious relations subsisting among the people

of various caste, ethnicity, religion, or communities, or incites racial

discrimination, or untouchability, or disrespects labor, or any act of

defamation, or contempt of court, or an incitement of offence, or is

contrary to decent public behavior or morality.

(2) Nothing in section (b) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an Act to

impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine the

nationality, sovereignty, independence and indivisibility of Nepal, or

jeopardize the harmonious relations between federal units, or public law

and order situation.

(3) Nothing in section (c) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an Act to

impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine the

nationality, sovereignty, indivisibility or Nepal, or an act of espionage

against the nation, or disclosing national secrets, or helping foreign state or

organization that may jeopardize Nepal’ security, or an act of treason, or

an act that undermines the harmonious relations subsisting between federal

units, or instigates communal animosity, or jeopardizes the harmonious

relations subsisting among different caste, ethnicity, religious groups and

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communities, or an act of acquiring or depriving the membership of a

political party only on the grounds of caste, language, religion, community

or gender, or the formation of a political party that creates discrimination

against citizens, or an act that incites violence, or is contrary to decent

public behavior .

(4) Nothing in section (d) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an Act to

impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine the

nationality, sovereignty, indivisibility or Nepal, or an act of espionage

against the nation, or disclosing national secrets, or helping foreign state or

organization that may jeopardize Nepal’ security, or an act of treason, or

an act that undermines the harmonious relations subsisting between federal

units, or instigates communal animosity, or jeopardizes the harmonious

relations subsisting among different caste groups, ethnicity, religious groups

and communities, or an incitement of violence, or an act which is contrary

to public morality.

(5) Nothing in section (e) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an Act to

impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine the interest

of the general public, or the good relations between federal units, or the

harmonious relations subsisting among various caste groups, ethnicity,

religious groups or communities, or an act of committing crime or violence,

or inciting such acts.

(6) Nothing in section (f) shall be deemed to prevent the making of an Act to

impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine the good

relations between federal units, or restricting an act which may have

negative impact on public health, decent behavior and morality, or the

particular industries, trade, business or services which only the state may

engage in, or setting conditions or eligibility to engage in industries, trade,

business, livelihoods or occupation.

18. Right to equality: (1) All citizens shall be equal before law. No person shall

be denied the equal protection of law.

(2) There shall be no discrimination in the application of general laws on the

grounds of origin, religion, race, caste, tribe, sex, physical conditions,

disability, health condition, matrimonial status, pregnancy, economic

condition, language or geographical region, or ideology or any other such


(3) The state shall not discriminate among citizens on grounds of origin,

religion, race, caste, tribe, sex, economic condition, language or

geographical region, ideology and such other matters.

Provided that nothing shall be deemed to bar the making of special provisions by

law for the protection, empowerment or advancement of the women lagging

behind socially and culturally, Dalits, Adibasi, Madhesi, Tharus, Muslims, oppressed

class, backward communities, minorities, marginalized groups, peasants, laborers,

youths, children, senior citizens, sexual minorities, persons with disability,

pregnant, incapacitated and the helpless persons, and of the citizens who belong to

backward regions and financially deprived citizens including the Khas Arya.

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Explanation: With reference to this Part and Part 4, “financially deprived” means

the person having the income less than prescribed in the Federal law.

(4) There shall not be any gender discriminations regarding remuneration for

the same work and social security.

(5) There shall be no gender discrimination regarding the right to parental

property with regard to all family members.

19. Right to communication: (1) There shall be no prior censorship of

publications and broadcasting, or information dissemination, or printing of

any news item, editorial, article, feature, or other reading material, or the

use of audio-visual material by any medium, including electronic publication,

broadcasting and printing.

Provided that nothing shall be deemed to prevent the making of laws to

impose reasonable restriction on any act which may undermine the

nationality, sovereignty, and indivisibility of Nepal, or the good relations

between federal units, or jeopardizes the harmonious relations subsisting

among different caste groups and tribes, or communities, or an act of

treason, or defamation of social dignity of individuals through the publication

and dissemination of false material, or contempt of court, or material that

incites criminal offence, or an act that is contrary to decent public behavior

and morality, or disrespects labor, or incites untouchability or gender


(2) If there is any broadcasting, publishing or printing, or dissemination of

news, article, editorial, feature, or other material through the medium

of electronic equipment or the use of visuals or audio-visuals, no radio,

television, online publication or any kind of digital or electronic

equipment, or press, or other kind of media outlet, shall be closed,

seized, or their registration cancelled for publishing, or transmitting, or

broadcasting such material.

Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to prevent the making of Acts

to regulate radio, television, online or the use of any other kind of digital or

electronic equipment, printing press or other medium of communication.

(3) No means of communication including the press, electronic broadcasting

and telephone shall be obstructed except in accordance with law.

20. Right to Justice: (1) No person shall be detained without being informed of

the ground for such an arrest.

(2) The person who is arrested shall have the right to consult a legal

practitioner of her/his choice and be defended from the time of arrest.

The consultations held with the legal practitioner and the advice given

thereon shall remain confidential.

Provided that this clause shall not apply to a citizen of an enemy state.

Explanation: For the use of this clause “legal practitioner” shall mean a person

who has the legal right to represent any person in any court or office.

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(3) Every person who is arrested shall be produced before a judicial

authority within a period of twenty-four hours after such arrest,

excluding the time necessary for the journey from the time and place

of arrest to such authority, and the arrested person shall not be

detained in custody beyond the said period except on the order of such


Provided that this clause shall not apply to a person in preventive detention or to a

citizen of an enemy state.

(4) No person shall be punished for an act which was not punishable by law

when the act was committed, and no person shall be subjected to a

punishment greater than that prescribed by law at the time of the


(5) No person accused of any offence shall be assumed to be an offender

until proven guilty.

(6) No person shall be prosecuted or punished for the same offence in a

court of law more than once.

(7) No person accused of any offence shall be compelled to be a witness

against herself/himself.

(8) Every person undergoing trial shall have the right to be informed about

the proceedings of the trial.

(9) Every person shall be entitled to a fair hearing from an impartial,

independent and competent court or judicial authority.

(10) An indigent person shall have the right to free legal aid as provided for

by law.

21. Right of victim of crime: (1) The victim of crime shall have the right to be

informed about the investigation and proceedings of the case regarding

his/her victimization.

(2) The victim of crime shall have the right to social rehabilitation and

justice with compensation as provided for by law.

22. Right against torture: (1) No person in detention shall be subjected to

physical or mental torture, or be treated in a cruel, inhuman or degrading


(2) Any such act pursuant to clause (1) shall be punishable by law and a

victim of such an act shall have the right to compensation as provided for

by law.

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23. Right against preventive detention: (1) No person shall be held under

preventive detention unless there is sufficient ground to believe that there

exits an immediate threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Nepal

or public peace and order.

(2) Family member or close relative of the person in preventive detention

pursuant to clause (1) shall have to be immediately informed about

his/her condition as provided for by law.

Provided that this clause shall not be applicable to a citizen of an enemy state.

(3) If an official is found to have held any person under preventive detention

against the law and with malicious intention, such person shall be

entitled for compensation as per the law.

24. Right against untouchability and discrimination: (1) No person shall be

treated with any kind of untouchability or discrimination in any private or

public place on grounds of caste, ethnicity, origin, community, occupation, or

physical condition.

(2) No person belonging to a particular caste or ethnicity shall be prevented

from buying an object or getting services or facilities in the process of

production of such objects or in the distribution or delivery of services,

or no such objects shall be sold to, or facilities or services distributed or

delivered to persons belonging to a particular caste or ethnicity only.

(3) Racial discriminations shall not be encouraged in any way, or there shall

not be any behavioral attitude to exhibit high or low status on grounds of

a particular caste, ethnicity or community, or physical condition of a

person, or there shall not be any behavioral attitude that justifies social

discrimination based on caste, ethnicity, or untouchability, or

encouragement for the propagation of attitudes based on caste

superiority and untouchability, or hatred.

(4) There shall not be any racial discrimination in the workplace by indulging

or not indulging in untouchability.

(5) All forms of untouchability or discrimination contrary to this provision

shall be punishable by law as a serious social crime, and the victim of

such an act shall have the right to compensation as provided for by law.

25. Right to property: (1) Every citizen shall, subject to laws, have the right to

acquire, enjoy own, sell, have professional gains, and otherwise utilize, or

dispose of property.

Explanation: For the purpose of this Article, “property” means all type of movable

and immovable property and the word also includes intellectual property.

Provided that the state may impose tax on property and income of a person

according to the norms of progressive tax.

(2) The State shall not, except in the public interest, acquire, requisition,

or create any encumbrance on the property of any person.

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Provided that this clause shall not be applicable to property acquired through

illegal means.

(3) In the case when the land of a person is acquisitioned by the State

according to clause (2), the basis of compensation and the relevant

procedure shall be as prescribed by Act.

(4) The provisions of clauses (2) and (3) shall not obstruct the state in

carrying out land reforms, management and regulation by law in order to

increase the production and productivity of land, modernize the

agriculture and make it professional, environment protection and

managed housing and urban development.

(5) In case the state has acquired property of any person for public interest

pursuant to clause (3), there shall be no hindrance to use such property

for any other public interest, other than the public interest for which it

has been acquired.

26. Right to religious freedom: (1) Each person shall be free to profess, practice,

and preserve his/her religion according to his/her faith.

(2) Every religious denomination shall, maintaining its independent

existence, have the right to manage and protect its religious places and

religious trusts in accordance with law.

Provided that it shall not be deemed to have hindered to make law to operate and

protect a religious place or religious trust and to manage trust property and

regulate land management.

(3) While exercising the right as provided for by this Article, no person shall

act or make others act in a manner which is contrary to public health,

decency and morality, or behave or act or make others act to disturb

public law and order situation, or convert a person of one religion to

another religion, or disturb the religion of other people. Such an act shall

be punishable by law.

27. Right to information: Every citizen shall have the right to seek information on

any matters of concern to her/him or the public.

Provided that nothing shall be deemed to compel any person to provide

information about which confidentiality is to be maintained according to law.

28. Right to privacy: Except in circumstances provided by law, privacy in relation

to the person, and their residence, property, documents, records, statistics

and correspondence, and their reputation are inviolable.

29. Right against exploitation: (1) Every person shall have the right against


(2) No person shall be subjected to any kind of exploitation on the basis of

religion, custom, tradition, culture, practices or any other bases.

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(3) No person shall be subjected to human trafficking or bonded labor, and

such an act shall be punishable by law.

(4) No person shall be subjected to forced labor.

Provided that nothing in this clause shall prevent the enactment of a law requiring

citizens to be engaged in compulsory service for public purposes.

(5) Any act contrary to clause (3) and (4) shall be punishable by law and the

victim of such an act shall have the right to compensation from the


30. Right regarding clean environment: (1) Each person shall have the right to

live in a healthy and clean environment.

(2) The victim of environmental pollution and degradation shall have the

right to be compensated by the pollutant as provided for by law.

(3) Provided that this Article shall not be deemed to obstruct the making of

required legal provisions to strike a balance between environment and

development for the use of national development works.

31. Right to education: (1) Every citizen shall have the right to access to basic


(2) Every citizen shall have the right to compulsory and free basic education,

and free education up to the secondary level.

(3) The physically impaired and citizens who are financially poor shall have

the right to free higher education as provided for in law.

(4) The visually impaired person shall have the right to free education with

the medium of brail script.

(5) Every Nepali community living in Nepal shall have the right to acquire

education in its mother tongue up to the secondary level, and the right

to open and run schools and educational institutions as provided for by


32. Right to language and culture: (1) Each person and community shall have the

right to use their language.

(2) Every person and community shall have the right to participate in the

cultural life of its community.

(3) Each community living in Nepal shall have the right to preserve and

promote its language, script, culture, cultural civilization and heritage.

33. Right to employment: (1) Every citizen shall have the right to employment.

Terms and conditions of employment and unemployment benefits shall be as

determined by Federal law.

(2) Every citizen shall have the right to select employment.

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34. Right regarding labor: (1) Every laborer shall have the right to proper work


Explanation: For the purpose of this Article, "laborer" means a worker or laborer who

offers physical or mental work for an employer for remuneration.

(2) Every laborer shall have the right to appropriate remuneration, facilities

and contribution-based social security.

(3) Every laborer shall have the right to form trade union, participate in it,

and organize collective bargaining.

35. Right to health care: (1) Every citizen shall have the right to seek basic

health care services from the state and no citizen shall be deprived of

emergency health care.

(2) Each person shall have the right to be informed about his/her health

condition with regard to health care services.

(3) Each person shall have equal access to health care.

(4) Each citizen shall have the right to access to clean water and hygiene.

36. Right to food: (1) Each citizen shall have the right to food.

(2) Every citizen shall have the right to be protected from a state of

starvation, resulting from lack of food stuffs.

(3) Every citizen shall have the right to food sovereignty as provided for in


37. Right to housing: (1) Each citizen shall have the right to appropriate housing.

(2) No citizen shall be evicted from the housing owned by him/her, or

encroached on the housing, except in accordance with law.

38. Right of women: (1) Every woman shall have equal right to lineage without any

gender discriminations.

(2) Every woman shall have the right relating to safe motherhood and

reproductive health.

(3) There shall not be any physical, mental, sexual or psychological or any

other kind of violence against women, or any kind of oppression based on

religious, social and cultural tradition, and other practices. Such an act

shall be punishable by law and the victim shall have the right to be

compensation as provided for in law.

(4) Women shall have the right to access participate in all state structures

and bodies on the basis of the principle of proportional inclusion.

(5) Women shall have the right to special opportunity in the spheres of

education, health, employment and social security on the basis of

positive discrimination.

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(6) Both the spouses shall have equal rights in property and family affairs

39. Right of children: (1) Each child shall have the right to his/her identity with

the family name, and birth registration.

(2) Every child shall have the right to education, health care nurturing,

appropriate upbringing, sports, recreation and overall personality

development from family and the State.

(3) Every child shall have the right to formative child development, and child


(4) No child shall be employed in factories, mines, or in any other hazardous


(5) No child shall be subjected to child marriage, illegal trafficking,

kidnapping, or being held hostage.

(6) No child shall be subjected to recruitment or any kind of use in the army,

police or armed groups, neglected, or used immorally, or abused

physically, mentally, or sexually, or exploited through any other means,

in the name of religious or cultural practices.

(7) No child shall be subjected to physical, mental, or any other forms of

torture at home, in school, or in any other places or situations.

(8) Every child shall have the right to child friendly justice.

(9) Children who are helpless, orphaned, physically impaired, victims of

conflict and vulnerable, shall have the right to special protection and

facilities from the State.

(10) Any act contrary to Clause (4), (5), (6) and (7) shall be punishable by law,

and children who have suffered from such an act shall have the right to

be compensated by the perpetrator as provided for in law.

40. Right of Dalits: (1) Dalit shall have the right to participate in all agencies of

the state based on the principle of proportional inclusion. There shall be

special legal provision of empowerment, representation, and participation of

Dalit community for employment in other area also including the public


(2) Provisions of free education with scholarships shall be made for Dalit

students from the primary to higher level of education as provided for in

law. Special provision shall be made in law for Dalits to pursue higher

education in technical and professional subjects.

(3) In order to provide health care and social security to Dalit community,

special arrangements shall be made in accordance with law.

(4) Dalit community shall have the right to use, preserve and develop their

traditional occupation, knowledge, skill and technology. The State shall

give priority to modern profession of Dalits in relation to their traditional

occupation, by providing them with necessary skill and resources.

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(5) The State shall, according to law, provide land to landless Dalits for one


(6) The State shall, according to law, make housing arrangements for Dalits

who do not have housing of their own.

(7) The facilities provided to the Dalit community according to this Article,

shall have to be justly distributed to Dalit women and men and all the

Dalit communities living in different parts of the country, ensuring that

all Dalits receive the facilities proportionally.

41. Right of senior citizens: Senior citizens shall have the right to special

protection and social security from the State.

42. Right to social justice: (1) Socially backward women, Dalits, Adibasi,

Janajati, Adibasi Janajati, Madhesi, Tharu, minority groups, persons with

disability, marginalized groups, Muslim, backward classes, gender and sexually

minority groups, youths, peasants, laborers, the oppressed and the citizens of

backward regions, and economically poor Khas Arya shall have the right to

employment in state structures on the basis of the principle of inclusion.

(2) Citizens who are economically very poor and communities on the verge of

extinction, shall have the right to special opportunity and facilities in the

areas of education, health, housing, employment, food and social

security, for their protection, progress, empowerment and development.

(3) People with physical impairment shall have the right to a dignified way

of life and equal access to social services and facilities, along with their

diversity identity.

(4) Each peasant shall have the right to access to land as provided for in law

for agricultural purposes, along with the right to choose and preserve

traditionally adopted and used endemic seeds and agricultural species.

(5) The families of martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the people’s

movements, armed conflicts and revolutions for a democratic progressive

change in Nepal, the families of those who were disappeared, persons

who fought for democracy, victims of conflict and the displaced, persons

who were physically maimed, the wounded and the victims, shall have

the right with priority, as provided for by law, to education, health,

employment, housing and social security, with justice and appropriate


43. Right to social security: Economically poor, physically incapacitated and

helpless person, helpless single women, persons with physical impairment,

children, persons who cannot look after themselves and the citizens who

belong to communities that are on the verge of extinction, shall have the

right to social security as provided for by law.

44. Right of consumers: (1) Each consumer shall have the right to quality

foodstuffs and services.

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(2) A person who has suffered from sub-standard object or service shall have

the right to be compensated as provided for by law.

45. Right against exile: No citizen shall be exiled.

46. Right to constitutional remedy: There shall be right to constitutional remedy

pursuant to the Articles 133 or 144 in course of implementation of rights

granted in this part.

47. Implementation of fundamental rights: For the enforcement of the rights

conferred in this Part, the State shall make legal provisions, as required,

within three years of the commencement of this constitution.

48. Duties of citizens: Each person shall the following duties:

(a) Protect nationality, sovereignty and integrity of Nepal by pledging

allegiance to the nation,

(b) Abide by the constitution and law,

(c) Compulsorily enlist when the state needs the service.

(d) To protect and conserve public property.

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Directive Principles, Policies and Responsibilities of the State

49. To be the Guiding Principles: (1) The Directive Principles, Policies and

Responsibilities of the State mentioned in this Part shall remain as guidelines

for the governance of the State.

(2) The State shall mobilize or have it mobilized, the required resources and

means for the implementation of the principles, policies and

responsibilities mentioned in this Part.

50. Directive Principles: (1) It shall be the political objective of the State to

strengthen a federal democratic republican system to ensure an atmosphere

where democratic rights are exercised by acknowledging sovereignty,

independence and integrity of the country to be of utmost importance; by

protecting freedom, equality, property and all citizens through rule of law; by

embracing the norms and values of fundamental rights and human rights,

gender equality, proportional inclusion, participation and social justice; and

by maintaining a just system in all spheres of national life in order to establish

a government system aimed at public welfare, while maintaining relations

between federal units on the basis of cooperation between them, and

internalizing the principle of inclusion in the governance system on the basis

of local autonomy and decentralization,

(2) It shall be the socio-cultural objective of the State to build a civilized

and egalitarian society by ending all forms of discrimination, oppression

and injustice based on religion, culture, cultural practices, customs,

traditional practices, or on any other grounds; develop socio-cultural

values based on national pride, democracy, people orientation, dignity of

labor, entrepreneurship, discipline, dignity and tolerance, by respecting

cultural diversity and maintaining communal harmony, solidarity and


(3) It shall be the economic objective of the State to make the national

economy self-reliant, independent, and developing it towards socialism

oriented economy with equitable distribution of resources and means,

by ending all forms of economic exploitation and inequality, with

maximum utilization of available resources and means through the

participation of cooperatives, and public and private sector for

sustainable development, and to build an exploitation-free society by fair

distribution of the achievements made so far.

(4) The international relations of the State shall be directed towards

maintaining international relations based on sovereign equality,

protecting sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national

interest of the country, and promoting national prestige in the

international community.

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51. State policies: The State shall pursue the following policies:

(a) Policies regarding national unity and national security:

(1) Maintaining national unity intact by protecting independence,

sovereignty, territorial integrity and autonomy of the country;

(2) Promoting national unity by developing relations of mutual

cooperation between federal units by maintaining mutual

understanding, tolerance, and solidarity among various caste,

ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural groups and communities.

(3) Management of law and order situation by developing a national

security system.

(4) Guaranteeing an all-round human security system.

(5) Making the army, police, armed police and other security organs

strong, capable, professional, inclusive and accountable to people

on the basis of national security system.

(6) Making citizens capable and ready for national service according to

the need of the nation.

(7) Utilizing the knowledge, skills and experience of the exbureaucrats, army men and policemen in an appropriate way.

(b) Policies regarding political and governance system:

(1) Guaranteeing people’s welfare and all-round-progress through

economic, social and cultural transformation, while defending and

strengthening political achievements and their development.

(2) Maintaining rule of law by protecting and practicing human rights.

(3) Implementing international treaties and agreements to which Nepal

is a State party.

(4) Guaranteeing good governance by ensuring equal and easy access of

people to services provided by the State and making public

administration clean, competent, impartial, transparent,

accountable and participatory.

(5) Making necessary provisions to make the mass media clean, healthy,

impartial, dignified, responsible and professional.

(6) Expanding and developing a harmonious and cooperative relations

between federal units through partnerships in the management of

resources and means, administration and responsibilities.

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(c) Policies regarding social and cultural transformation:

(1) Building a society based on harmonious social relations by

developing a healthy and civilized culture.

(2) Conducting studies, research and archaeological excavations and

dissemination of Information about them for the protection,

maintenance and development of historical, archaeological and

cultural heritage.

(3) Community development by promoting local participation through

the promotion and mobilization of creativity of local communities in

social, cultural and charitable works.

(4) Stressing on the development of art, literature and music that are in

the form of national heritage

(5) Put an end to all forms of discrimination, and injustice in the name

of religion, culture, tradition, practices and rites.

(6) To preserve and develop the language, texts, culture, literature,

arts motion pictures and property of different castes and

communities, on the basis of equity, while also maintaining the

country’s cultural diversity.

(7) To pursue the multi-language policy.

(d) Policies regarding finance, industry and commerce:

(1) Strengthening national economy through the participation and free

development of public sector, cooperative sector and private


(2) Achieving economic prosperity with the maximum utilization of

available resources and means by stressing on the roles of private

sector in the economy;

(3) Promoting cooperatives with its maximum utilization for national


(4) Providing for regulation to maintain fairness, accountability and

competitive atmosphere in all activities of economic sector to

promote and mobilize them for the overall national development;

(5) Fair distribution of the fruits of development and available means

and resources.

(6) Diversifying and expanding markets for productions and services

through the development and expansion of industries and promotion

of exports by identifying the areas of comparative advantages.

(7) Protecting consumer rights by maintaining discipline and business

fairness by controlling anomalies and malpractices such as black-

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marketing, monopoly, artificial scarcity and unhealthy competition

and making national economy competitive.

(8) Prioritizing domestic investment based on Nepali labor, skill and raw

material for the development of the economy of the country

through the protection and promotion of national industries and

resources and means.

(9) According priority to domestic investment in service sector to

promote it a competitive industry for development of national


(10) Encouraging and mobilizing foreign capital and technology

investment for infrastructure development in the areas of export

promotion, and import to suit national interest.

(11) Foreign aid shall be based on national needs and priority, and it

shall be made transparent. The amount received as foreign aid shall

be included in the national budget.

(12) Utilizing the knowledge, skill, technology and capital of the nonresident Nepalese for national development.

(13) Providing mobility to economic development by establishing

coordination among provinces and between province and federation

regarding industrial corridors, special economic zones, national

projects and foreign investment projects.

(e) Policies regarding agriculture and land reform:

(1) Introducing scientific land reform by ending dual ownership of land

for the benefit of farmers.

(2) Increasing produce and productivity through land plotting and by

discouraging absentee land ownership.

(3) Protecting and promoting rights and interests of peasants and

utilizing the land use policy for increasing production and

productivity of agriculture and for commercialization,

industrialization, diversification and modernization of agriculture;

(4) Making proper utilization of land through proper regulation and

management on the basis of productivity of land, its nature, and

also by maintaining environmental balance.

(5) Making arrangements for agricultural tools and an access to market

with appropriate price for the produce.

(f) Development policy:

(1) Formulating strategies and programs for sustainable socio-economic

development under regional development plans for balanced and

inclusive regional development and to implement them in a

coordinated manner.

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(2) Prioritizing under-developed regions while going for balanced,

environment-friendly, qualitative and sustainable physical

infrastructure development.

(3) Increasing the participation of local people in development process.

(4) Promoting investment in scientific studies and research, and

inventions in science and technology, and for their progress and

development, while protecting scientific, technological and

intellectual minds and special talents.

(5) Developing and expanding information technology as required by the

nation, and making its access easy and simple for the general

public, while also making its maximum use for national


(6) Prioritizing poor citizens in the distribution of the fruits of

development, and making necessary arrangements for the general

public to have a fair share of it.

(7) Developing an integrated national identity management information

system, and manage it in an integrated way for all kinds of

information and statistics relating to citizens, and integrate it to the

services and facilities provided by the State and the national

development planning.

(8) Updating of population statistics and affiliating it with the national

development planning.

(g) Policy regarding the conservation, management and use of natural


(1) The State shall pursue a policy of conserving the natural resources

available in the country by imbibing the norms of inter-generation

judicious use of it and for the national interest. It shall also be

about its sustainable use in an environmental friendly way. The

policy shall ensure the fair distribution of the benefits generated by

it by giving local people the priority and preferential rights.

(2) The State shall pursue a policy of prioritizing national investment in

water resources based on people’s participation and making a multiutility development of water resources.

(3) The State shall pursue a policy of developing and producing

renewable energy, ensuring cheap, easily available and dependable

supply of energy, and making an appropriate use of it to meet the

basic needs of the citizens.

(4) Developing a sustainable and dependable irrigation system by

controlling water-related natural disasters with the management of

the river systems.

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(5) The State shall pursue a policy of making a sustainable use of

biodiversity through the conservation and management o forests,

fauna and flora, and by minimizing the negative impacts of

industrialization and physical development by promoting public

awareness on environmental cleanliness and protection.

(6) The State shall pursue a policy of keeping necessary landmass as

forest area in order to strike an environmental balance.

(7) The State shall pursue a policy of adopting appropriate ways of

minimizing or stopping negative effects on environment if it is

there, or if there is a possibility of such an impact on nature,

environment, or biodiversity.

(8) The State shall formulate policies and enact laws on the basis of the

principle of sustainable environment development based on prewarning and pre-informed agreements regarding environmental


(9) The State shall formulate and pursue a policy of designing a prewarning system, disaster preparedness, rescue, relief works and

rehabilitation in order to minimize the risks of natural disasters.

(h) Policies regarding the basic needs of citizens:

(1) Making education scientific, technical, professional, skill-oriented,

and employment and people oriented in order to prepare the human

resources to be competent, competitive, moral, and committed to

national interest.

(2) Increasing the investment of the State in the educational sector,

and regulating and managing the investment of the private sector in

it to make education service oriented.

(3) Making higher education easily available, of high quality and

accessible, and gradually making it free.

(4) Establishing and promoting information centers and libraries for the

personality development of citizens.

(5) The State shall gradually increase necessary investment in the

public health sector in order to make citizens healthy.

(6) Ensuring easily available and equal access to high quality health

care for all.

(7) Protecting and promoting Nepal's traditional medicinal system such

as the Ayurveda, natural medicines and homeopathy;

(8) The State shall gradually increase investment in the health sector

and make it service oriented by regulating and managing the

investment of the private sector in it.

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(9) Gradually increase the number of health institutions and health

workers, while emphasizing research on health in order to make

qualitative health service available to all.

(10) It shall be the policy of the State to increase general life expectancy

by decreasing maternity-infant mortality rate by encouraging family

planning population management based on the need and capacity

of the country.

(11) Developing well-planned and organized settlement areas by

managing the unplanned settlements.

(12) Increasing investment in the agricultural sector by making necessary

provisions for sustainable productivity, supply, storage and security,

while making it easily available with effective distribution of food

grains by encouraging food productivity that suits the soil and

climate conditions of the country in accordance with the norms of

food sovereignty.

(13) Making a well-planned supply system by ensuring equal access of

citizens to the basic needs and services, and prioritizing the remote

areas and regions that were made to lag behind.

(14) Increasing investment in the transportation sector by ensuring

simple, easy and equal access of all citizens to transportation

facilities, and prioritizing environment friendly technology,

encouraging public transportation and quality private

transportation, while also making the transportation sector safe,

well managed and disabled friendly.

(15) Ensuring insurance policy for citizens and making arrangements for

their access to health care.

(i) Policies regarding labor and employment:

(1) Creating a condition to ensure employment for all and employment

opportunities in the country itself by making the labor power, which

is the main social and economic force, competent and professional.

(2) Guaranteeing social security by ensuring the basic rights of all

laborers in accordance with the concept of dignity of labor.

(3) Ending child labor and all forms of labor exploitation.

(4) Encouraging the participation of laborers in the management by

creating good industrial relationship between employers and


(5) Regulating and managing foreign employment in order to make this

sector exploitation free, safe and well-managed to guarantee

laborers’ right and employment.

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(6) Encouraging the use of the capital, skill, technology and the

experience gained in foreign employment in the productivity sector

of the country.

(j) Policies regarding social justice and inclusion:

(1) Making appropriate arrangements of livelihoods by prioritizing

employment for single women who are in helpless conditions on the

basis of skill, capability and merit.

(2) Making women self reliant who are vulnerable, victims of conflict,

excluded by family and the society, by making necessary

arrangements of rehabilitation, protection and empowerment for


(3) Ensuring the use of necessary services and facilities during the

reproductive stage

(4) Economically evaluating the works and contribution in regard to

child care and care for the family.

(5) Paying primary attention to the utmost interest of children.

(6) Rehabilitation of kamaiya (bonded laborers), kamlari, haruwa,

charuwa, haliya, the landless and the squatters by identifying them,

and making arrangements of housing, or providing small plot of land

or house, employment, or arable land for their livelihoods.

(7) Providing appropriate opportunities to youths for their contribution

to the all-round-development of the State by increasing their

participation in it, through the creation of an atmosphere for them

to use their political, economic, social and cultural rights, and also

by providing special opportunities in educational, health and

employment sector through their personality development for their

empowerment and all-round-development.

(8) Making special arrangements to ensure the rights of Adivasi

Janajatis (indigenous ethnic groups) to lead a dignified life with

their respective identities, and making them participate In decision

making processes that concern them, and preserving and

maintaining the traditional knowledge, skill, experience, culture

and social practices of Adivasi Janajatis and local communities.

(9) Making special arrangements for minority communities to exercise

their social and cultural rights by maintaining their identity.

(10) Making special arrangements for the Madhesi community to have

equal distribution of benefits of economic, social and cultural

opportunities, and also for the protection, progress, empowerment

and development of the very poor and backward classes within the

Madhesi community.

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(11) Making special provisions of protection, progress, empowerment and

development, and the fulfillment of basic needs of the citizens of

oppressed and backward regions.

(12) Giving priority to the very poor within all communities, regions, and

gender, while providing social security and social justice.

(13) Making a well planned investment in sports and sports men and

women in order to produce healthy, able and disciplined citizens

and developing sports as a medium of consolidating national unity

and promoting national prestige in the international arena.

(14) Involving NGOs and INGOs only in the areas of national needs and

priority, by adopting a one-door policy for the establishment,

endorsement, engagement, regulation and management of such

organizations, and by making the investment and role of such

organizations accountable and transparent.

(k) Policies regarding justice and punishment:

(1) Making judicial administration swift, competent, easily available,

economical, impartial, effective and accountable to people.

(2) Adopting alternative methods such as reconciliation and mediation

for the settlement of disputes of ordinary nature.

(3) Adopting effective methods in controlling corruption and

irregularities in all sectors, including politics, judicial sector,

administration and the social sector.

(l) Policies regarding tourism: Developing environment friendly tourism

industry as an important basis of national economy by identifying,

protecting, promoting and publicizing the historical, cultural, religious,

archaeological and natural heritage sites of the country, and prioritizing

local people in the distribution of benefits of the tourism industry.

(m) Policy regarding international relations:

(1) Pursuing an independent foreign policy considering national interest

to be of utmost importance, on the basis of the UN Charter, nonalignment, principle of Panchasheel, international law and universal

norms, and by remaining active to defend the sovereignty,

indivisibility, national independence and national interest.

(2) Entering into treaties and agreements on the basis of equality and

mutual interest, by reviewing past treaties.

52. Obligation of the Sate: It shall be the obligation of the State to maintain

Nepal's independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, autonomy of Nepal,

protecting and promoting fundamental rights and human rights, and to

observe the directive principles of the State and gradually implementing the


53. Submitting report: An annual report regarding the works of the government

including the achievements made in the implementation of the directive

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principles, policies and responsibilities mentioned in this Part, shall be

presented to the President. The President shall make arrangements to send

such reports to the Federal Legislature through the Prime Minister.

54 .Provision regarding monitoring: (1) There shall be a committee in the

Parliament as provided for in law to monitor the progressive implementation

of the directive principles, policies and responsibilities of the state as

mentioned in this Part.

55. Questions not to be raised in court: No question shall be raised in any court as

to whether any of the provisions contained in this Part is implemented or not.

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Restructuring of the State and the distribution of State power

56. Structure of the State: (1) The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal shall

have three main levels of structure: federal, provincial and local.

(2) The State powers of Nepal shall be used by the federal, provincial and

the local level in accordance with this constitution.

(3) There shall be the provinces with the districts listed in Schedule-4 that

prevail at the commencement of this Constitution in Nepal.

(4) Under the local level, there shall be Village Council, Municipal Council

and District Assembly. The number of wards in a Village council and

Municipal Council shall be as provided for in a Federal law.

(5) Special, protected and autonomous regions may be created for sociocultural protection or economic development according to Federal law.

(6) The Federation, provinces and local levels shall protect Nepal’s

independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, autonomy, national

interests, overall development, multi-party competitive democratic

republic and federal system of governance, human rights and

fundamental rights, rule of law, separation of powers and check and

balance, equitable society based on plurality and equality, and inclusive

representation and identity.

57. Distribution of State power: (1) The power of the federation shall be relating

to the subjects mentioned in Schedule-5, and such authority shall be

exercised in accordance with this Constitution and the Federal law.

(2) The power of the province shall be relating to the subjects mentioned in

Schedule-6, and the exercise of such authority shall be done in

accordance with this Constitution and the Federal law.

(3) The concurrent/shared power of the federation and the province shall be

relating to the subjects mentioned in Schedule-7, and the exercise of

such authority shall be done in accordance with this constitution and the

laws made by the Federal Parliament and Provincial Assembly.

(4) Powers shall be vested in the local level on the matters referred to in

Schedule-8 and such powers shall be exercised according to this

Constitution and Federal law, provincial law and laws formulated by the

local level.

(5) Concurrent list of powers of the Federation, province and local level shall

be as mentioned in Schedule-9 and exercise of such powers shall be

according to this constitution, and Federal law, provincial law and laws

formulated by the local level.

(6) While making law by Provincial Assembly, village council and municipal

council pursuant to clause (5), they shall have to make laws without

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being inconsistent to Federal law and if such laws formulated by

Provincial legislature, village council and municipal council is

inconsistent with the Federal law, such law shall, to the extent of its

being inconsistent, be void.

(7) While making law by village council and municipal council pursuant to

clause (5), they shall have to make laws without being inconsistent to

provincial law and if such laws formulated by the village council and

municipal council is inconsistent with the provincial law, such law shall,

to the extent of its being inconsistent, be void.

58 Residual powers: Powers relating any subject that are not mentioned in the

list of powers of the federation, province or the local level entity, or in the

concurrent/shared powers of federation and the province, or not stated in

this Constitution, shall rest with the federation as residual powers.

59. Use of fiscal power: (1) The federal, provincial and the local entities shall

enact law, make annual budget, make necessary decisions, formulate policies

and planning, and implement them in regard to the subjects related to the

fiscal power mentioned in their respective lost of powers.

(2) The federation may make basic laws regarding necessary policies and

criteria related to the subjects included in the list of concurrent/shared

power and in other areas of fiscal authority, which may also be

implemented in provinces.

(3) The federation, province and the local level entity shall make budgets of

their respective levels, and the budget shall be presented in accordance

with the Federal law.

(4) The federation, province and the local level entity shall have to make

arrangements for equitable distribution of the benefits from the

development of natural resources. A certain portion of such benefit,

royalty, services or objects, shall have to be distributed in areas affected

by projects and to the local communities as provided for by law.

(5) When the federal, provincial and local level entity utilize natural

resources, they shall have to give priority to local communities to make

certain percentage of investment if they wish to do that in view of the

nature and percentage in the investment.

(6) The government of Nepal shall have the right to seek foreign aid and

loan. The economic stability of the country as a whole shall have to be

maintained in doing so.

(7) The management of budget deficit of the federation, province and the

local level entity and the arrangements regarding fiscal discipline shall

be in accordance with Federal law.

60. Distribution of sources of revenue: (1) The federation, province and the

local level entity shall impose tax on subjects within their fiscal jurisdiction

and collect revenue from such sources.

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Provided that with regard to the source that are not included in the

concurrent/shared list or in any list at any level, it shall be as determined by the

Government of Nepal.

(2) The Government of Nepal shall make necessary arrangements to

equitably distribute the revenue generated by it from its sources,

between the federation, province and the local level entities.

(3) The amount of the fiscal transfer, the province and the local level

entities are to receive shall be as recommended by the National Natural

Resources and Fiscal Commission.

(4) The Government of Nepal shall distribute fiscal equalization grants to

province and local level entity on the basis of their need for expenditure,

their capacity in generating revenue and the efforts made by them.

(5) The province shall distribute fiscal equalization grants received from the

Government of Nepal and the revenue generated from its sources, to the

local level entities under it on the basis of need for their expenditures

and their capacity to generate revenue, in accordance with provincial


(6) The Government of Nepal shall make arrangements regarding conditional

grants to be provided through the Federal Consolidated Fund,

complementary grants, or the special grants for other purposes.

(7) The distribution of revenue between the federal, provincial and the local

level entity shall be transparent.

(8) While enacting the Federal Act regarding revenue distribution, the

matters that need to be included are: national policy, national needs,

the autonomy of provinces and local level entities, the service delivery of

the provinces and local level entities and the fiscal rights given to them;

their capacity to generate revenue; feasibility and use of revenues; their

contribution to development works; regional imbalance; poverty and

inequality; exclusion, emergency works and the support of meet

temporary needs.

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President and vice-President

61. President: (1) There shall be a President in Nepal.

(2) The President shall be the head of the State. He/she shall perform

his/her duties according to this Constitution and Federal laws.

(3) The President shall promote national unity of Nepal.

(4) Compliance and protection of the constitution shall be the main duties of

the President.

62. Election of the President: (1) An electoral college, consisting of voting

members of the Federal Parliament and the members of Provincial Assembly,

shall elect the President. It shall be done as provided for in law with the

difference of weightage in voting of the members of the Federal Parliament

and the members of Provincial Assembly.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), it shall not be deemed

to prevent the formation of an electoral college for the use of the

election of the President simply because of the reason that an election of

Provincial Assembly has not been held in any province.

(3) The person who receives majority votes of the total number of existing

members of the Electoral College as provided for in clause (1), shall be

elected as President.

(4) If any candidate fails to receive majority votes according to clause (3),

there shall be a second round of voting between the two candidates who

receive the highest votes, and a person getting more than fifty percent

of vote in this voting shall be elected as President.

(5) If none of the two candidates obtain more than fifty percent of the votes

in the voting held under clause (4), then a re-voting will be conducted.

Any person getting the majority of votes cast in this re-voting shall be

elected as President.

(6) If a person who is elected to the position of the President already holds a

political position through election, nomination, or appointment, the

position held by such a person shall automatically become vacant.

(7) The election of the President and other related arrangements shall be as

provided for by law

63. Term of Office of President: (1) The term of the President shall be for five


(2) The President whose term has expired pursuant to clause (1), shall

continue to work according to this Constitution until the newly elected

President joins the office.

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64. Qualifications of the President: (1) A person shall be eligible to be President

if he/she fulfils the following qualifications:

(a) He/she is eligible to be a member of the Federal Parliament.

(b) He/she has attained at least 45 years of age, and

(c) Is not ineligible by any law.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), a person who has already

been elected President for two terms, shall not be eligible to be a Presidential

candidate for the Presidential election thereafter.

65. The circumstances in which the President ceases to hold office: The

President shall cease to hold office under the following circumstances:

(a) If a written resignation is tendered to the Vice-President.

(b) If an impeachment motion against the President is passed pursuant to

Article 101;

(c) If the term of office expires

(d) If he/she dies

66. Functions, duties and powers of the President: (1) President shall exercise

his/her rights and duties as provided for by this constitution and Federal laws

(2) While exercising rights under clause (1), the President shall perform all

the works with the consent and recommendation of the Council of

Ministers, except in case where the works have to be performed

expressly under the recommendation of some agency or official. Such

consent and recommendation shall be made to the President through the

Prime Minister.

(3) The decision or order made in the name of the President as provided for

by clause (2) and the certification of credentials in that regard, shall be

done as specified by Federal law.

67. Vice-President: (1) There shall be a Vice-President in Nepal.

(2) The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President until a new

President is elected in the case when the President ceases to hold Office

due to reasons other than when the President is absent or the term of

office has expired.

(3) If a person is elected to the position of Vice-President already holds a

political position through election, nomination or appointment, the

position held by such a person shall automatically become vacant.

68. The circumstances in which the Vice-President ceases to hold office: The

Vice-President shall cease to hold office under the following circumstances:

(a) If he/she tenders a written resignation to the President,

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(b) If an impeachment motion against the Vice-President is passed pursuant

to Article 101,

(c) If the term of office expires,or

(d) If he/she dies.

69. Other provisions regarding the Vice-President: The qualification of the VicePresident, election process, and other provisions regarding the term of office,

shall be similar to that of the President.

70. President and Vice-President to belong to different gender or community:

While conducting election of the President and Vice-President under this

constitution, the election shall be held so as to represent different gender or


71. Oath of office of the President and Vice-President: The President shall take

the oath of office and secrecy before the Chief Justice, and, the VicePresident before the President, as provided for by law, before assuming the

responsibilities of the office.

72. Remuneration and other benefits to the President and Vice-President: The

remuneration and other benefits to the President and Vice-President shall be

as determined by an Act, and until such Act is made, it shall be as specified

by the Government of Nepal.

73. Office of the President and the Vice-President: (1) Separate offices shall be

set up to assist the works of the President and the Vice-President.

(2) The Government of Nepal shall provide necessary personnel and make

other arrangements for the management of the works of the offices

pursuant to clause (1).

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Federal Executive

74. Form of governance: The form of governance of Nepal shall be a multi-party,

competitive, federal democratic republican parliamentary system based on


75. Executive Power: (1) The executive power of Nepal shall rest with the

Council of Ministers in accordance with this Constitution and law.

(2) The responsibility of providing general directives, control and

enforcement regarding the governance system of Nepal, by adhering to

this constitution and law, shall rest with the Council of Ministers.

(3) The entire works relating to the federal executive of Nepal shall be done

in the name of the Government of Nepal.

(4) The decision or Order and related certification of credentials as provided

for by clause (3) shall be done according to law.

76. Formation of the Council of Ministers: (1) The President shall appoint the

parliamentary party leader of the political party with the majority in the

House of Representatives as a Prime Minister, and a Council of Ministers shall

be formed in his/her chairmanship.

(2) If there is not a clear majority of any party according to clause (1), the

President shall appoint as Prime Minister the member of the House of

Representatives who can have the majority with the support of two or

more political parties represented in the House of Representatives.

(3) If there is a situation wherein it is not possible to make the appointment

of the Prime Minister as provided for in clause (2) within 30 days of the

final result of the election of the House of Representatives, or if the

appointed Prime Minister, as provided for in clause (4), fails to receive a

vote of confidence, the President shall appoint the leader of the party

with the highest number of members in the House of Representatives as

the Prime Minister.

(4) The Prime Minister appointed according to clause (2) or (3) shall have to

receive the vote of confidence of the House of Representatives within 30

days of his/her appointment.

(5) If a Prime Minister appointed according to clause (3) fails to receive a

vote of confidence pursuant to clause (4), the President shall appoint a

member as Prime Minister, who produces bases that he/she may win the

vote of confidence of the House of Representatives as provided for in

clause (2).

(6) The Prime Minister appointed according to clause (5) shall have to get

the vote of confidence according to clause (4).

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(7) If the Prime Minister appointed according to clause (5) fails to get the

vote of confidence or if any member fails to be appointed as Prime

Minister, the President shall, on the recommendation of Prime Minister,

dissolve the House of Representatives and fix a date to conduct another

election within six months.

(8) The procedure regarding the appointment of the Prime Minister shall

have to be completed within 55 days after the post of the Prime Minister

falls vacant, or the announcement of the final results of the election of

the House of Representatives according to this Constitution.

(9) The President shall, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, form

a council of ministers consisting of members not exceeding twenty five in

number from among the members of the Federal Parliament on the basis

of the principle of inclusion.

Explanation: For the purpose of this Article ‘minister’ stands for deputy Prime

Minister, minister, minister of state and assistant minister.

(10) The Prime Minister and the ministers shall be collectively accountable to the

Federal Parliament, and, a minister shall be personally accountable to the

Prime Minister for the works of his/her ministry, and also to the Federal


77. Circumstances under which the Prime Minister and minister ceases to hold

office: (1) The Prime Minister shall cease to hold office in the following


(a) If he/she tenders written resignation to the President,

(b) If a vote of confidence fails to be approved according to Article

(100), or a motion of no confidence is passed,

(c) If he/she ceases to be a member of the House of Representatives,

(d) If he/she dies.

(2) The minister shall cease to hold office in the following circumstances:

(a) If he/she tenders a written resignation to the Prime Minister,

(b) If the Prime Minister removes him/her from the post,

(c) If the Prime Minister ceases to hold office according to clause (1)

(a), (b) or (c), or

(d) If he/she dies.

(3) If the Prime Minister ceases to hold the office according to clause (1),

the same council of ministers shall continue to work until another council

of ministers is constituted.

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Provided that, in the case of the death of the Prime Minister, the senior most

minister shall continue to act as Prime Minister until a new Prime Minister is


78. A person to be a minister who is not a member of the Federal Parliament:

(1) Whatsoever is contained in clause (9) of Article (76), the President may,

on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, appoint deputy Prime Minister,

minister, minister of state, assistant minister, who is not a member of the

Federal Parliament.

(2) The minister appointed according to clause (1) shall have to receive

membership of the Federal Parliament within six months of taking oath

of office.

(3) If the minister fails to get the membership of the Federal Parliament

according to clause (2), the minister shall not be eligible for

reappointment as minister during the tenure of the existing House of


(4) Whatever may be contained in clause (1), a person who has lost election

in the election of the existing House of Representatives, shall not be

eligible to be a minister according to clause (1), during the tenure of the

existing House of Representatives.

79. The remuneration and other benefits to the Prime Minister, deputy Prime

Minister, minister, state minister and assistant minister: The remuneration

and benefits to the Prime Minister, deputy Prime Minister, minister, state

minister, and assistant minister shall be as provided for by Federal Act. Until

such an Act is formulated, it shall be as determined by the Government of


80. Oath of office: The Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and minister

shall take the oath of office and secrecy before the President, and, the state

minister and assistant minister before the Prime Minister according to Federal


81. The President to be informed: The Prime Minister shall inform the President

about the following:

(a) The decision of the Council of Ministers,

(b) The Bill to be presented before the Federal Parliament,

(c) If the President asks for other information relating to Part (a) and (b),

the other information shall be provided.

(d) Contemporary situations of the country and subjects relating to foreign


82. The working procedure of the government of Nepal: (1) The division of

works and work performance of the government of Nepal shall be in

accordance with the regulations passed by the Government of Nepal.

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(2) No question shall be raised in any court as to whether or not the

regulations under clause (1) were abided by.

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Federal Parliament

83. Federal Parliament: There shall be a Legislature, called Federal Parliament,

consisting of two Houses, namely the House of Representatives and the

National Assembly.

84. Constitution of House of Representatives: (1) The House of Representatives

shall consist of two hundred and seventy five members as follows:-

(a) One hundred and sixty five members elected through the first-pastthe-post electoral system consisting of one member from each of

the one hundred and sixty five electoral constituencies formed by

dividing Nepal into 165 constituencies based on geography, and


(b) One hundred and ten members elected from proportional

representation electoral system where voters vote for parties,

while treating the whole country as a single electoral constituency.

(2) Provision shall be made according to Federal law for the representation

of political parties to file candidacy for the election of the House of

Representatives for proportional representation system through closed

list of women, Dalit, Adibasi Janajati, Khas Arya, Madhesi, Tharu,

Muslim, and backward regions. Balance in geography and province shall

be considered for such candidacy.

Explanation: For the purpose of this provision, Khas Arya means Chhetri, Brahmin,

Thakuri and Sannyasi (Dasnami) community.

(3) While filing candidacy by political parties pursuant to clause (2),

provision of representation of persons with disability shall also be made.

(4) The election for the members of House of Representatives pursuant to

clause (1) shall be held through secret ballots as provided in the law.

(5) Every Nepali citizen who has attained the age of eighteen years, as

provided in law, shall be entitled to vote in any constituency.

(6) Subject to law, any Nepali citizen, who is entitled to vote in election for

House of Representatives, and who meets the requirements under Article

87, shall be allowed to file candidacy from any constituency.

Provided that the same person shall not be a candidate in more than one electoral

constituency at the same time.

(7) In case of vacancy of a seat of a member in House of Representatives,

while still ahead of six months of its terms, such vacancy shall be filled

through process by which said member had been elected.

(8) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Article, women

should account for at least one third of total members elected from each

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party in Federal Parliament. In case, one-third percentage of women are

not elected while being elected under section (a) of clause (1), and

section (a), clause (2) of Article 84, the party that fails to ensure onethird representation shall have to elect at least one-third of total

numbers as woman in the Federal Parliament while electing members

under section (b) of clause (1).

(9) Election of House of Representatives and other matters thereto shall be

pursuant to Federal laws.

85. Term of House of Representatives: (1) Except when dissolved earlier, the

term of House of Representatives shall be five years.

(2) Notwithstanding anything in clause (1), provided that the situation when

the order for the state of emergency is made and when such state of

emergency exists, the term of House of Representatives may be

extended, not exceeding one year in accordance with Federal law.

(3) The term extended under clause (2) shall, ipso facto, end within six

months of the end of state of emergency.

86. Constitution of National Assembly and terms of members: (1) National

Assembly shall be a permanent house.

(2) There shall be fifty-nine members in the National Assembly as follows:-

(a) Fifty six members elected from an Electoral College comprising

members of Provincial Assembly and chairpersons and vicechairpersons of Village councils and Mayors and Deputy Mayors of

Municipal councils, with different weights of votes for each, with

eight members from each province, including at least three women,

one Dalit, one person with disability or minority;

(b) Three members, including at least one woman, to be nominated by

the President on the recommendation of Government of Nepal.

(3) The tenure of members of National Assembly shall be six years.

Provided that after the commencement of this Constitution, arrangements shall be

made by drawing lottery to retire one-third of the members on the expiry of two

years, another one-third on the expiry of four years, and the final one-third on the

expiry of six years.

(4) The tenure shall be considered to have commenced from the day of first

meeting of the National Assembly.

(5) In case of vacancy of a seat in National Assembly, it shall be filled in the

manner through which the said member had been elected or nominated.

(6) Other provisions relating to election of National Assembly members shall

be as provided by law.

87. Qualifications for Members: (1) Persons who meet the following requirement

shall be considered eligible to be the member of Federal Parliament:-

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(a) citizen of Nepal,

(b) who has attained twenty five years of age for the House of

Representatives and thirty five years of age for the National


(c) who has not been punished for any criminal offence involving moral


(d) not ineligible under any law,

(e) not holding an office of profit.

Explanation: “Office of profit” in this section means any position, other than a

political position which is to be filled by election or nomination, for which a

remuneration or economic benefit is paid out of a government fund. (2) No person

shall be a member of both Houses at the same time.

(2) No one person can be a member of both the houses at the same time

(3) If a person who is elected or nominated to the position of the member of

Federal Parliament already holds a political position through election,

nomination, or appointment, the position held by such a person shall

automatically become vacant from the day of his/her taking oath of


88. Oath: Every member of the Federal Parliament shall, before taking part for

the first time in the meeting of the parliament at its committees, have to

take an oath as provided in law.

89. Vacation of seat: The seat of a Member of Parliament shall be vacant in the

following circumstances:-

(a) if he or she resigns in writing to the Speaker or Chairperson,

(b) if he or she does not meet the requirements under Article 91,

(c) if his or her term of office expires or if the term of the House of

Representatives and National Assembly expires,

(d) if he or she remains absent from ten consecutive meetings without

notification to the House,

(e) if the party of which he or she was a member when elected provides

notification in the manner set forth by law that he or she has abandoned

the party.

(f) if he or she dies.

90. Decision as to Disqualification of Members: If a question arises as to

whether a Member of Parliament is disqualified or has ceased to possess any

of the qualifications set forth in Article 91 the final decision shall be made by

the Constitutional bench of the Supreme Court.

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91. Speaker and Deputy-Speaker of the House of Representatives: (1) The

House of Representatives shall, within fifteen days of commencement of first

meeting, elect a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker from among its members.

(2) While electing Speaker and Deputy Speaker as per clause (1), either

Speaker or Deputy Speaker shall be a woman and belong to different


Provided that, no more than one party is elected to the House of Representatives

or does not seek to file its candidacy even when elected, nothing in this article

shall bar from having Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the same party.

(3) If the office of the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker falls vacant, the House

of Representatives shall fill the vacancy through election from among its


(4) The Deputy Speaker shall, in the absence of the Speaker of the House of

Representatives, chair the meeting of House of Representatives.

(5) In case the election of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker has not taken

place, or both positions remain vacant, the senior-most member of the

House of Representatives shall preside the meeting of the House of


(6) The office of the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker shall be vacant in the

following circumstances:

(a) if s/he ceases to be a member of the House of Representatives:

Provided that, after the dissolution of the House of Representatives,

the Speaker and Deputy Speaker shall continue in office until the

date of the filing of nominations for election to the House of


(b) if s/he submits a written resignation;

(c) if a resolution is passed by a majority of two-thirds of the total

number of members in the House of Representatives to the effect

that his/ her conduct is not compatible with his/her position.

(7) The Deputy Speaker shall preside over a meeting at which deliberations

are to be held on a resolution that the conduct of the Speaker of the

House of Representatives is not compatible with his/her position. The

Speaker shall be entitled to take part and vote in the deliberations on

such resolution.

92. Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of National Assembly:

(1) After the commencement of its first session, the National Assembly shall,

within fifteen days of commencement of first meeting, elect a

Chairperson and Vice chairperson from among its members.

(2) While electing as per clause (1), either Chairperson or Vice chairperson

Chairman of the National Assembly shall be a woman.

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Provided that no more than one party is elected to the National Assembly or does

not seek to file its candidacy even when elected, nothing in this article shall bar

from having Chairperson and Vice chairperson from the same party.

(3) If the office of the Chairperson or Vice chairperson falls vacant, the National

Assembly shall fill the vacancy through election from among its members.

(4) The Vice-Chairperson shall, in the absence of the Chairperson of the National

Assembly, chair the National Assembly.

(5) If the election of the Chairperson and Vice chairperson has not taken place, or

if both the positions have become vacant, the senior-most member of the

National Assembly shall preside over the meeting of the National Assembly.

(6) The office of the Chairperson and Vice chairperson shall be vacant in the

following circumstances:

(a) if s/he ceases to be a member of the National Assembly,

(b) if s/he submits a written resignation,

(c) if a resolution is passed by a majority of two-thirds of the total members

of the National Assembly to the effect that his or her conduct is not

compatible with his/her position.

(7) The Vice-Chairperson shall preside over a meeting at which deliberations are to

be held on a resolution that the conduct of the Chairperson of the National

Assembly is not compatible with his/her position. The Chairperson shall be

entitled to take part and vote in the deliberations on such resolution.

93. Summoning and Prorogation of Sessions:

(1) President shall summon a session of parliament within one month after the

elections to the House of Representatives are held. Thereafter, President shall

summon other sessions from time to time in accordance with this Constitution:

Provided that the interval between two consecutive sessions shall not be more than

six months.

(2) President may prorogue the session of both or either of the Houses of


(3) If, during the prorogation or recess of the House of Representatives, one-fourth

of its members submit a request stating that it is desirable that a session or

meeting of House of Representatives be called, the President shall call the

session or meeting of the Parliament by setting date and time for this within a

fortnight, and House of Representatives shall convene or commence its session

on the specified date and the time thus fixed.

94. Quorum: Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, no resolution shall

be presented for decision in either House of Parliament unless one-fourth of

the total number of members of the concerned House are present.

95. Address by President: (1) President may address either House or a joint sitting

of both the Houses of Parliament, and s/he may summon the members for

that purpose.

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(2) President shall address the first session after an election to the House of

Representatives and a joint sitting of both the Houses of Parliament after the

commencement of the first session of each year.

96. Deputy Prime-minister, State Minister and Assistant Minister Entitled to Take Part

in Both Houses: A Minister shall be entitled to attend and take part in the

proceedings and deliberations of any of the House of Parliament or its


Provided that s/he shall not be entitled to vote in a House or committee of which

s/he is not a member.

97. Formation of Committees: (1) House of Representatives and National Assembly

shall have the right to form committees according to the law.

(2) If a resolution is passed by either House demanding that a Joint Committee of

both the Houses be constituted for the purpose of managing the working

procedure between the two Houses, resolving disagreements on any Bill, or for

any other specified function, a Joint Committee thereon shall be constituted.

The Joint Committee shall consist of up to a maximum of twenty-five members

in the ratio of five members from the House of Representatives to one member

from the National Assembly.

98. Transaction of Business in case of vacancy of Members: Both House of Federal

Parliament shall have the power to transact its business notwithstanding any

vacancies in the seats of its members, and no proceedings shall become

invalid even if it is subsequently discovered that a person not entitled to take

part in the proceedings of either House had participated therein.

99. Voting: Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, all questions

submitted for decision in either House of Parliament shall be decided by a

majority vote of the members present and voting. Normally, the member

presiding shall not have the right to vote.

But he may exercise the right to cast decisive vote in case of a tie.

100. Provision related to Vote of Confidence and Motion of no-confidence: (1)

The Prime Minister, while he holds office, may, whenever he is of the opinion

that it is necessary or appropriate to obtain a vote of confidence from the

members of the House of Representatives, shall table a resolution to that

effect in the House of Representatives.

(2) The Prime Minister may, if his or her party is fragmented or the coalition

partner withdraws its support, to obtain a vote of confidence from the

members of the House of Representatives, table a resolution to that

effect in the House of Representatives within thirty days.

(3) A decision on a resolution tabled pursuant to clauses (1) and (2) shall be

made by a majority of the total number of members of the House of


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(4) One-fourth of the total number of members of the House of

Representatives may table in writing a no-confidence motion against the

Prime Minister:

Provided that a no-confidence motion shall not be presented up to first two years

of appointment of the Prime Minister and if a no-confidence motion fails, another

motion cannot be tabled within a year of its failure.

(5) The name of the member proposed for Prime Minister should be

mentioned when tabling the no-confidence motion under clause (4).

(6) The Prime Minister shall be deemed to be relieved of his/her office if the

no-confidence motion tabled under clause (4) is passed by a majority of

the total number of members of the House of Representatives.

(7) If the office of Prime Minister falls vacant under clause (6), the President

shall appoint the member proposed in motion of no-confidence under

Article 76, the Prime Minister.

101. Impeachment: (1) At least one-fourth majority of the total number of the

then members of House of Representatives may table a motion of

impeachment against the President or Vice-President on the charge of serious

violation of the Constitution and law by him/her. If at least two-thirds

majority of the total number of the then members of joint session of both

Houses of Federal Parliament passes the motion, the President or Vice

President shall ipso facto be relieved of his or her office.

(2) A motion of impeachment against the Chief Justice or any other Judge of

Supreme Court, member of Judicial Council and Head or official of

Constitutional Bodies may be moved by at least one-fourth majority of

the total number of the then members of House of Representatives on

the grounds of serious violation of the Constitution and law, his or her

incompetence, misbehavior or failure to discharge the duties of his or her

office in good faith or his or her inability to discharge his or her duties

because of physical or mental reason; and if the motion is passed by a

two-thirds majority of the total number of the then members of joint

session of both Houses of Federal Parliament, he or she shall ipso facto

be relieved of his or her office.

(3) A motion of impeachment recommendation committee shall be formed in

House of Representatives to recommend charges of impeachment under

clause (2).

(4) The committee formed under clause (3) shall comprise of eleven


(5) According to clause (2), motion of impeachment can be tabled at the

House of Representatives by the committee under clause (2) on the

charges of serious violation of constitution, other grounds of his or her

incompetence, misbehavior or failure to discharge the duties of his or her

office in good faith or his or her inability to discharge his or her duties

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because of physical or mental reason, are proven with evidence by at

least three members.

(6) Once the process of impeachment is set in motion as per clause (2), then

the person against whom the impeachment motion is moved, whether

Chief Justice or Supreme Court judges, members of Judicial Council or

chiefs or members of Constitutional bodies, shall not perform his/her

duty till the process over the motion is complete.

(7) Person against whom impeachment motion is moved as per clause (1) or

(2) shall be given adequate opportunity to defend.

(8) There shall be no obstruction in taking action as per the law against a

person who is discharged of duty after the approval of impeachment

motion as per this article if such a person is found to have committed

crime whether such person was President or vice President, chief justice

or supreme court judges, members of judicial council or chiefs or

members of constitutional bodies.

(9) Any official who has been removed from office by way of impeachment

pursuant to clause (1) and (2) shall not be entitled to gratuity or pension,

and shall be ineligible to be appointed or nominated to any other public


(10) Other provisions related to impeachment motion shall be as provided by


102. Penalty for Unauthorized Presence or Voting: If a person sits or votes in a

meeting of either House of Parliament as a member without taking an oath

pursuant to Article 88, or knowing that s/he is not qualified for membership in

the House, s/he shall, on order of the person chairing the House, be liable to

a fine of five thousand rupees for each day of such presence or voting. The

fine shall be recovered as government dues.

103. Privileges: (1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution there shall be full

freedom of speech in both Houses of Parliament and no member shall be arrested,

detained or prosecuted in any court for anything said or any vote cast in the House.

(2) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, each- House of Parliament

shall have full power to regulate its internal business, and it shall be, the

exclusive right of the House concerned to decide whether or not any

proceeding of the House is regular. No question shall be raised in any

court in this behalf.

(3) No comment shall be made about the good faith concerning any

proceeding of either House of Parliament and no publication of any kind

shall be made about anything said by any member which intentionally

distorts or misinterprets the meaning of the speech.

(4) The provisions laid in clause (1) and (3) shall also apply to any person,

other than a member, who is entitled to take part in a meeting of the


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(5) No proceedings shall be initiated in any court against any person for

publication of any document, report, vote or proceeding which is made

under authority given by a House of Parliament.

Explanation: For the purpose of this clause and clauses (1), (2), (3) and (4), the

word "House" shall mean and include the House of Representatives and National

Assembly and shall also mean a joint sitting of Parliament or a meeting of the Joint


(6) No member of Parliament shall be arrested between the date of issuance

of the summons for a session and the date on which that session closes:

Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to prevent the arrest under

any law of any member on a criminal charge. If any member is so arrested, the

official making such arrest shall forthwith inform the person chairing the concerned


(7) Any breach of privilege of either House of Parliament shall be deemed to

constitute contempt of Parliament and the concerned House shall have

the exclusive right to decide whether or not any breach of privilege has

taken place.

(8) If a person is in contempt of either House of Parliament, the Chairperson

of the concerned House may, after a decision by the House to that

effect, admonish, warn or impose a sentence of imprisonment not

exceeding three months, to remain effective only during the current

session of the House, or impose a fine up to five thousand rupees on such

person. The fine shall be recovered as government dues.

Provided that if the person so accused submits an apology to the satisfaction of the

House, it may either pardon him or remit or commute the sentence imposed on


(9) Other matters relating to privileges not mentioned in this Constitution

shall be as determined by law.

104. Procedures relating to the Conduct of Business: (1) Each House of Federal

Parliament shall, subject to the provisions of this Constitution, frame rules for

conducting its business, maintaining order during its meetings and regulating

the constitution, functions and procedures of the committees or any other

matter of the Federal Parliament or committees. The Federal Parliament shall

determine its own conduct of business until such rules are framed.

(2) Matters relating to the conduct of business of a joint sitting of Federal

Parliament and the constitution of its Joint Committee and the functions

and procedures thereof shall be in accordance with rules approved by the

joint session of the both Houses.

105. Restriction on discussion: No discussion shall be held in either House of

Federal Parliament on a matter which is under consideration in any court of

Nepal, and about anything done by a Judge in course of performance of his


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Provided that nothing in this Article shall be deemed to bar the expression of

opinion about the conduct of a Judge during deliberations on a motion of


106. Secretary General and Secretary of Federal Parliament: (1) Secretary of the

House of Representatives shall be appointed on the recommendation of its

Speaker, the Secretary of the National Assembly shall be appointed on the

recommendation of its Chairperson, the secretary-general appointed in

consultation with both the Speaker and the Chairperson.

(2) The qualifications, duties, functions, rights and other services of

Secretary General the Secretary of the National Assembly, and the

Secretary of Federal House of Representatives shall be as determined by


107. Secretariat of Federal Parliament: A Secretariat shall be established for the

purpose of conducting the business of Parliament. Other matters related

thereto shall be as determined by law.

108. Remuneration: The remuneration and benefits of the Speaker and Deputy

Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Chairperson and ViceChairperson of the National Assembly and Chairperson of committees and

members of Federal Parliament shall be as determined by the law. Until so

determined it shall be as specified by the Government of Nepal.

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Federal Legislative Procedure

109. Legislative power of Federal Parliament: The legislative powers of the

Federal Parliament shall be as enumerated in Schedule-5, Schedule-7 and


110. The procedure of introducing a Bill: (1) A Bill may be introduced at either

House of the Federal Parliament subject to this Constitution.

Provided that finance bill may be introduced in the House of Representatives only.

(2) The finance Bill and Bills concerning the security agencies, including the

Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police, shall be introduced only as a

government Bill.

(3) “Finance Bill” means a Bill concerning all or any of the following


(a) the imposition, collection, abolition, remission, alteration of taxes

or regulation of tax system.

(b) the preservation of the Federal Consolidated Fund or any other

Federal Government fund, the deposit of money into and the

appropriation or the withdrawal of money from such funds, or the

reduction, increment or cancellation of appropriations or of

proposed expenditures from such funds.

(c) the regulation of matters relating to the raising of loans or the

giving of guarantee by the Government of Nepal or any matter

pertaining to the amendment of the laws concerning financial

liabilities undertaken or to be undertaken by the Government of


(d) the custody and investment of all revenues received by any

Government fund, money acquired through the repayment of loans

and the grant of money, or audit of the accounts of the


(e) Matters directly related to sections (a), (b), (c) and (d).

Provided that a bill shall not be deemed to be a Finance bill by reason only that it

provides for the payment of any fees such as license fee, application fee, renewal

fee, or it provides for imposition of any penalty or imprisonment.

(4) If any question is raised as to whether a bill is a finance Bill or not, the

decision of the Speaker thereon shall be final.

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111. Procedure for passing Bills:

(1) A Bill passed by one House of the Federal Parliament shall be

immediately sent to the other House, and after the bill is passed by that

House, it shall be sent to the President for certification.

(2) The Finance Bill passed by the House of Representatives, shall be sent to

the National Assembly. The National Assembly shall have to discuss on

the Bill send it back to the House of Representatives with suggestions, if

any, within fifteen days of receiving it.

(3) The House of Representatives shall discuss over the Bill returned with

suggestions according to clause (2), incorporate the appropriate

suggestions, if any, and present it to the President for certification.

(4) If the National Assembly does not return the Bill even after 15 days of

receiving it according to clause (2), the House of Representatives shall

send the Bill to the President for certification.

(5) Except In the case of a Finance Bill, the Bill sent to the National

Assembly by the House of Representatives after passing it, the National

Assembly shall have to send them back with suggestions after passing

them within two months of receiving them. In the event when such bills

are not returned by the National Assembly within the timeframe, the

House of Representatives shall send such Bills to the President for

certification, after making a decision on them with a majority voting of

total existing number of members.

(6) If one House rejects the Bill passed by another House, or if it is passed

with amendments, the Bill shall have to be sent back to the House where

it had been originated.

(7) If a Bill is rejected by National Assembly, or sends it back with

amendments to the House of Representatives, and if a majority of the

existing number of members of the House of Representatives discuss over

it and pass it as it is , or pass it with amendments, the Bill shall be

presented to the President for certification.

(8) If a Bill is sent back to the National Assembly by the House of

Representatives with amendments as provided for by clause (6), and if

National Assembly also passes the Bill along with the amendments made,

it shall be presented to the President for certification.

(9) The following Bills shall be presented in the joint meeting of both the

Houses and if the Bill is passed as it is or with amendments by the joint

meeting, the House where the Bill had originated shall present it before

the President for certification.

(a) Bills Passed by the National Assembly but rejected by the House of

Representatives, or

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(b) Bills sent back by the House of Representatives to the National

Assembly with amendments but National Assembly failing to agree

on the amendment.

(10) If the session ends when a Bill is still under consideration, the next

session may take over the procedure.

Provided that, if a Bill is presented to the House of Representatives and is under

consideration, or it is sent to National Assembly after passing it, but if the House of

Representatives is dissolved while the Bill is still under consideration in the

National Assembly, or if its tenure comes to an end, such Bill shall be considered

not effective.

112. Withdrawal of Bill: The member who introduces a Bill may withdraw the Bill

with the approval of the House.

113. Certification of the Bills:

(1) The Bill which is presented to the President according to Article (111) for

certification shall have to be authenticated by the Speaker or

Chairperson of the House where it originated.

Provided that, in the case of a Finance Bill, the Speaker shall have to authenticate

it as Finance Bill.

(2) The Bill presented to the President for certification according to this

Article, shall be certified within 15 days, and both the Houses shall be

informed about that as early as possible.

(3) Except in the case of a Finance Bill, if the President is satisfied that

reconsideration is necessary on a bill, the Bill may be sent back to the

House where it originated with necessary information within 15 days of

receiving the Bill.

(4) If the President sends back a Bill with the information and if both the

Houses reconsiders the bill as it was presented or with amendments, and

pass it and present it again to the President, the Bill shall be certified by

the President within 15 days of its submission.

(5) The Bill becomes an Act after it is certified by the President.

114. Ordinance:

(1) If at any time, except when both the Houses of the Federal Parliament is

in session, the President is satisfied that circumstances exist which

render it necessary to take action, the President may issue an Ordinance

on the recommendation of the Council of Ministers.

(2) An Ordinance promulgated under clause (1) shall have the same force

and effect as an Act.

Provided that, every such Ordinance:

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(a) Shall be tabled at the next session and if not passed by both the

Houses, it shall cease to be effective,

(b) May be repealed at any time by the President,

(c) Shall unless rendered ineffective or repealed under section (a) or

(b), cease to have effect after six months of its issuance, or after

six months of the meeting of both the Houses,

Explanation: For the use of this clause, if the meetings of the Federal Parliament

are held at different dates, the time shall be count from the later date of the


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