Nepali Youth in America, Dipesh Lama Extends Generous Support to Utopia TV Program

Nepal: In a heartwarming gesture of philanthropy, Dipesh Lama, a Nepali residing in America, has pledged a significant cash donation of Rs 100,000 to the program "Utopia Ek Sunder Bhavishya" The announcement was made during the pre-recording of the program, as revealed by Vivek Thakur, the media manager of Utopia.

Hailing from Sindhupalchowk, Dipesh Lama is not only engaged in business in the
United States but also actively involved in social initiatives. The donation marks a unique milestone in Nepali television history, as it is believed to be the first instance where financial support for a television program was announced during an interview.

The program, set to be conducted and directed by film director, writer, journalist, and young astrologer Janak Khadka, will be aired on Nepal Network Television. Despite the broadcast date remaining unconfirmed, the anticipation for Utopia's positive impact on society is high. The brainchild of politician, sociologist, linguist, and writer Navraj Lamsal, Utopia aims to contribute positively to society.

Expressing gratitude for Lamad's generous support, Lamsal believes that the program will make a meaningful difference. The financial backing from Lamad underscores a commitment to the societal impact of the program. Internal preparations are underway, and the production team assures that the program will hit the airwaves starting next month.

As Utopia gears up for its debut, Lama's contribution stands as a beacon of support, highlighting the potential for collaboration between the Nepali diaspora and local initiatives for the greater good.

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