Nepali blues artist performs at US music festival

 USA: Ashesh Dangol, also known as Himalayan Hendrix, captivated the audience with a one-hour performance during the Best Dam Blues Festival held on the scenic banks of Milwaukee River in Thiensville, Wisconsin, US, on September 16. The festival, renowned as one of the most popular blues events in the US, took place over the weekend of September 15 and 16.

                                       photo: TKP

This marks the first time in the festival’s history that a Nepali Blues Artist/Band headlined the show. The festival featured over 20 bands, attracting thousands of blues enthusiasts over its two-day duration. The grand finale was a tribute to the legendary BB King on his birthday, followed by a guitar performance by Dangol. He was accompanied by Thom Lama on bass guitar and Sajan Maharjan on drums for his set.

Dangol has previously performed at some major festivals and venues across Europe. His exceptional musicality earned him the title ‘Himalayan Hendrix’ back in 2010—a recognition bestowed upon him by Norwegian and German media.


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