The field of research: Strategic Research and Analysis Society Nepal registered

 High profile organization in the field of research: Strategic Research and Analysis Society Nepal registered

                                              photo: social media

 A non-governmental research organization named Strategic Research and Analysis Society Nepal has been fully registered with the participation of high-profile personalities.  Former Inspector General of Nepal Police Prakash Aryal, former Inspector General of Military Police Singh Wahadur Shrestha, former Head of Department of Political Science of Tribhuvan University Prof. Dr.  Rajkumar Pokharel, Head of Department of Culture of Tribhuvan University Prof. Dr.  Shome Prasad Khatiwada, Dr. who worked in the UN for a long time.  Giri Panthi, former administrator Dr.  Gokul Vurlakoti, former Nepali Army General Ramnath Dhungana, former President of the World Hindu Federation Pramod Kumar Chourdia, Treasurer of the World Hindu Federation Shyam Sundar Chhetri, well-known social worker Chandra Prakash Sharma Welwase who has been in the restaurant business in America for the past 22 years, social worker Sharita Hamal and journalist and  Market administrator Shangita Sarma is also included in the organization.


 The research institute, founded on the initiative of Navraj Lamsal, a former editor of Aarti Weekly and a young businessman, will conduct research, advocacy, discussion, study, teaching and research on the various problems currently seen in Nepal.

 Explaining about the objectives of the organization, Navraj Lamsal says that according to the name of the organization, the main objective of this organization is study and research.  This organization will discuss, investigate, study and research the social, economic, cultural, eternal traditions, children's rights, human rights, and the universal interests of the country related to Nepal and the Nepalese people.

 This organization will study and research various subjects and public concerns including global warming, non-traditional security (food security, health security, water security), waste management.


This organization conducts studies, researches, diplomatic relations with Nepal, India bilateral, Nepal China bilateral, Nepal America bilateral Nepal, India, China tripartite, Nepal, America, China tripartite, European Union, Korea, Japan, Australia and other countries and diplomatic relations with Nepal.  It will try its best to strengthen friendly relations with the world community by being associated with it.


 Why the need for such a high-profile organization with Navraj Lamsal, the founder of the organization?  When asked, he says.  In recent times, a situation of ideological confusion has been created in Nepali society, studies, debates, lobbying, and discussions have not been impartial, the country's intellectuals have migrated abroad, youths have developed a wrong tradition of making opinions based on watching social networks, there is no forum for experts to give unbiased opinions and at present.  Since Nepal seems to be getting weaker day by day in diplomatic matters, the organization was created with the generous thought of making an honest effort to contribute as much as possible from one's field as a conscious citizen.

 We will include all academic personalities in this organization.  No matter how many experienced experts there are in this organization, they have made their organization successful by leading in various fields.  By recording their knowledge, skills and experience, the organization will contribute as much as possible to give a roadmap to the next generation.  Since the organization was just born, he has requested everyone to protect it and join the organization.

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