On the occasion of Guru Purnima and 210th Bhanu Jyanti, Nepali writers World Network in presence of chief guest Prof. Dr. Ram Prasad Gyawali's honoured great writers / professors , associate professors and lecture Adjustment Assistants of Nepali literature world Network Pathsala (school) who has been serving free of cost since four years.

The details of the honoree were monday’s gazal professor, Ghazal Vidwochhiromani, Vardaghat municipal Nepal Academy honorary chancellor Dr. Ghanashyam Neupane Parishrimi by Motiram Bhatta Award-2023, Gopal Prasad Rimal Award-2023 to Tuesday's poem professor , the great poet Kalanidhi Dahal, Gumani Pant Award-2023 to Wednesday's Muktak Professor Sunil Adhikari, as well as Wednesday's another professor for khorea (short poem) , Janardan Adhikari Dhadkan was honored with Khoria sub-genre discovery Award- 2023. Likewise senior poet Hari Prasad Rimal has been awarded as Bhanubhakta Acharya Award-2023 for Thursday’s verse poem lectures and senior poet Bidur Adhikari was also awarded with Lekhnath Poudel Award-2023 for the same. Haribhakta Katuwal Award-2023 was awarded to Friday’s song professor, senior lyricist Gyanendra Gadal, Haiku (short poem) professor and senior poet Puru Subedi was awarded by Shankar Koirala Award- 2023 for the Haiku lecture on Saturday and senior story writer Rajan Silwal was awarded by Purna Prasad Brahmin Award- 2023 for the Saturday's short story lecture. Sunday's Bachita professor and senior poet Amar Tyagi was awarded by Bachita sub-genre enforcement Award-2023, and Sunday's Charu professor and senior poet Devi Panthi was honored with Charu enforcement Award-2023. Bhimanidhi Tiwari Award-2023 was awarded to Durga Chhetri for supporting gazal lecture on Monday. Lecture adjustment assistant Kamala Mahat, Tara Prasad Chapagai, Niru Gautam, who has played a supportive role has been honored with Literary development Award -2023.
The program was organised to honor senior professors who gives lectures about different genre of Nepali literature everyday on Nepali writers world netword pathsala (school) where 250 people has been taking advantages of lectures. The chief guest of the program, the great writer Prof. Dr. Ram Prasad Gyanwali guided what poetry is and what kind of composition it should have. He praised Spandan Binod, the founder of the institution, from open heart. He said- spandan, has done a great job even staying out of the country in respect of nation language, literature, culture and traditions.
The program was hosted by Spandan Binod, the poet and ghazal writer as well as founder of the Nepali Writers World Network. More than 30 poet read their creations on that program. The program was conducted through the zoom technology where NB anjan had supported technically that ran for 5 hours continuously.