Rakhi Sawant cried with the media workers and said - You stop teasing me

 India: Rakhi Sawant is making shocking revelations about her husband Adil Khan every day. Now she has made another surprising revelation. Rakhi Sawant was recently seen crying in front of the paparazzi. Rakhi said, 'You guys stop teasing me, it's not even 4 days since my mother passed away.

People are making fun of me after seeing all this drama. He has sisters and daughters in his house, if this happened to him, would he have behaved like this. This is not my drama, Adil Khan laughed at me yesterday, she said – 'The world makes fun of me for speaking in public. Rakhi further said, 'Adil Khan has made me a hero and you are a clown.'

Rakhi tells the paparazzi that there is a girl in Adil Khan's life. However, he did not reveal the girl's name. Rakhi says she will answer when the time comes. Photos and videos will also be shown. Rakhi said that her husband has been having an affair for eight months. Rakhi Sawant said, 'My husband has threatened to talk about this matter in front of everyone and if I do so, he will divorce me.

Not only this, I warned the girl in front of the media only, then I got a call from the girl and she said that she is not afraid of anyone. Recently, after the mother's shadow lifted from Rakhi's head, her marriage broke up once again. Rakhi told everyone that Adil Khan cheated on her.


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