India: Actress Athiya Shetty held Indian cricketer KL Rahul's hand and performed seven laps. Athiya Shetty's pictures taken by L Rahul in a very romantic style are now going viral on social media. Sunil Shetty married his beloved daughter from his own house in Khandala, because Sunil Shetty wanted his daughter's farewell to take place at home and not at a hotel.
photo: google imageWell, Sunil Shetty's Khandala House is nothing short of a grand resort. Many famous personalities from the sports world and Bollywood world participated in this royal wedding. Many pictures taken during Athiya Shetty's wedding at KL Rahul's mandap have now gone viral on social media.
In these
pictures the new groom Raja Raja KL Rahul is looking very handsome and KL
Rahul's bride Athiya Shetty is looking very beautiful. Apart from many
celebrities, comments and congratulations are constantly coming from fans on
the special pictures of these two. Both look very attractive in these
You can
also check out Athiya Shetty(KL Rahul's) beautiful wedding pictures, which are
going viral on social media right now. Athiya Shetty's first photo of KL Rahul
is out. In these pictures, KL Rahul(Athiya Shetty) is wearing a pastel pink
dress. We tell you that This particular outfit of the two is by Sabyasachi and
its designer is Anamika Khanna.
So, the
looks of Sunil Shetty and Ahan Shetty have been released even before the first
picture of the bride and groom. Sunil Shetty wore a pastel pink kurta
dhoti while Ahan Shetty wore a white and gold kurta sherwani. On this
occasion, both gave sweets to the paparazzi and shook hands.