WHO congratulates Nepal for feeding 70% of adult population

 Nepal: The World Health Organization (WHO) is pleased that Nepal has succeeded in providing full vaccination against covid to 70 percent of the adult population (over 18 years of age).

 Congratulations to Nepal for successfully vaccinating 70% of the population against covid. This is a great success for Nepal and its allies. It has proved that anything is possible if we work together, "said WHO Nepal on Thursday.

As of Wednesday, 86.1 percent of those over 18 years of age in Nepal have consumed one dose and 74.4 percent have consumed the full dose. Similarly, 56.4 percent of the total population has consumed one dose and 48.8 percent have consumed the full dose.

 The Government of Nepal has set a target of fully vaccinating 100 percent of the citizens above 18 years of age by mid-April.



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