Corona study in mice: What are Nepali scientists doing?

Nepal The first phase of research started by Nepali researchers on the effectiveness of herbs in the treatment of corona infections is nearing completion. The work of computational chemistry (molecular docking and simulation) of the research led by Ram Chandra Basnyat has reached its final stage.

 Researchers raised the number of compounds to 500 after only 136 of the compounds (molecules) found in herbs used by Corona infected were to be studied on the basis of computer chemistry.

The professor and researcher of the department, Dr. Niranjan Parajuli said, "We were told to test only 136 molecules. But as the investigation progressed, the number reached 500. '

 Although 136 experiments identified plants, other compounds were selected on the basis of reports. "We estimated that these 500 compounds could be potential drugs," said Prof. Dr. Parajuli said, "26 molecules have been identified from there."

Some of these identified compounds are available in the market. Antibodies are formed from these molecules. Basnyat said. With the help of technology, there will also be a test on whether the spike protein of the virus binds or not. "We have bought spike proteins because of the mutations in spike proteins that have caused many different variants," he said. "That's why we bought Spike Protein," said Parajuli. Weight labs test whether the spike binds to the molecules in the protein. '

 The 26 identified chemicals will be 'treated'. Weight labs will then test whether the corona spikes go into the protein and bind. The rats are then tested to make antibodies from those confirmed.

 The mice being tested are of the Balbabi / C type. In the Swiss albino found in Nepal, it is not possible to make endibody. Parajuli said. He said that Balbabi / C mice should be brought from Singapore and India. He said that the delay was due to the provision that these mice should be kept in quarantine. Parajuli informed that they have already informed the concerned bodies and suppliers about this.

 First we make antibodies from mice that are not covid. The antibody will be tested to see if it works in covid mice. He said 60 to 100 rats would be used during the research.

 The research was conducted by the Department of Chemistry in collaboration with the University Grants Commission for covid test. To complete this research, 32 core computers and software have been procured.

 A bio-safety cabinet has been constructed in the lab. A freezer of minus 86 degrees is also kept. This double-door lab includes other research instruments, including the invert microscope. Bio-safety cabinet has been made in this lab of BSL-2 level. The CO2 incubator required for cell culture is also connected. One lab has all the equipment needed to make antibodies, he said. The Department of Chemistry has stated that Rs 5 million has been spent to build the lab alone.

 A weight lab is a specialized laboratory where important types of research work are performed. This lab is rarely used in other departments of Tribhuvan University. Parajuli has a claim.

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